

In mid-2023, I was contacted by the startup Synapse, which was looking to build its brand identity. They approached me to help design their logo, the visual representation they would use to introduce themselves to the world. Synapse specializes in consultancy for automation and offers solutions and training for companies.

After several sketches, I drew an S within a grid, taking inspiration from the shape of a classic star. I converted this S into vectors and used the same grid to construct the other letters, completing the entire word. We chose the color green, which represents technology, nature, and the quality of their service.

Each letter is formed simply using squares and circles, making it extremely simple and friendly. I had the same vision for this logo as I did for the laser cutting business logo. The complete logo would be used for larger applications like shirts, cars, etc., but for smaller applications, only the S would be used to leave a mark on all the products designed by the company.

I loved the application and design of the brand. Many thanks to the people at Synapse for trusting in my expertise :)